Wednesday, July 7, 2010

30 Days of Blogging. 30 Days of Me.

Being on vacation with the girls has taught me more than I would have imagined. More than probably the girls could imagine too since we spend our days laughing our heads off and delighting in the sheer art of doing what we want to do. Who gets to do that??? We do loads of laughing, but then in the wee hours of the morning we do a little talking, soul searching, talking about what we really want. Then we start to laugh again b/c it all sounds so.... impossible.

So, I decided to do a little test. What would happen if I came back home and looked at my life in a completely different way? What if I decided to make a concience DECISION to find the happiness in whatever I was doing. I mean, obviously I can't spend 30 days doing EXACTLY what I want, b/c I can't afford to go to Italy for a month, BUT I could try to find the very blessings I have right here with exactly what I have. Now, dear reader.... stop laughing before you go on. I KNOW that's going to be extremely hard... maybe even impossible to try to look on the bright side for a continual 30 days. Which in truth, is where the blogging comes in. So that when I get in a rut, I have you, dear reader, to remind me that this "happiness fest" is only for 30 days. Unless, I really grab a hold of something here... and it rocks my world!

Along with trying to find the happiness and blessings in my everyday life instead of moaning and complaining that I STILL have more laundry to be done, I plan to try on making a few more changes for this 30 day period look-see at life. I will try not to worry about what other people think, to not feel guilty for saying NO, (at least for 30 days, ya'll) to love the people that love me, and not worry about the people that don't. I will try to be forgiving, patient, nurturing and nice, but not to be a doormat. I will not expain myself or my reasonings unless I want to, I will nurture my husband and child, and focus attention on them b/cause truly these are the two relationships that I need to cherish the most. I will make it a POINT to spend time with my friends... not just because I have a BUNCO date, or a party, or a kid function to go to with them, but because these are also the relationships I WANT to nurture.

This is not going to be an easy month, as fantastic as it may seem. I think this is going to be a HARD month, but I'd like to see what happens to my life when I try to implement these things. So, dear reader I invite you to come along on this journey, such as it is, to join in on my accomplishments, my failings, my happiness and my heartbreak. Maybe you'll decide to take a journey of your own... maybe you'll just decide I"m crazy. But that's ok, because for this month.... I don't care.

And I start....NOW.

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