Over the weekend, Mark did the MS150. This is his sixth year to ride and so we all make the trek down there every year to support him and to take pictures and sitesee.
Well, this weekend did not go QUITE like I had planned. My camera card broke, so all I had was a small camera. THEN, the bottom dropped out and we basically swam up to Austin. (Obviously, no pictures) I got stopped by a policeman on the way up, and this time, I had set my cruise control for 65 so I wouldn't be speeding, but we must have gone thru a smaller town and the speed limit was 55. UUUUUUGGGGGHHHH! (I would have noticed this, but I was asleep at the wheel, I was so tired.) Of course, it could have been worse, I could have been arrested for evading arrest, b/c who knows how long he had been behind me. I get to Austin, and I JUST miss Mark going across the finish line. So for the first time, I didn't see Mark cross. (He was devastated! lol) I spent loads of money at the Co-op, which WAS the highlight. Took ONE picture of Kirsten and Joey, and got back in the car and turned around and went back home. On the way home, Mark took the LONG way home, went about 25 miles per hour and I slept in the front seat all the way home.
So, for a re-cap... no pictures, no finish line, got fined, slept on a bumpy seat and drove for 7 hours with two teenagers! lol
Mark had a blast though, and that's what this weekend was about! Way to go Mark! Next year I'll be there for sure!! (Cause I'm spending the night!!!)
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